CyBar 977090DD is the third CyBar I have created. It is based on a style I hold dear, the elegance of those who partied in the highly refined houses of the California Hills during the 1970s.
A tilted glass cube in CyBar 977090DD’s head reflects floor to ceiling windows of such houses and also functions as both an ice-cube holder when removed but also as an amplifier of light when the lamp bulb is switched on. The chest cavity bar with sunken floor and symmetrical pattern veneer reflects their dance floors. CyBar 977090DD also comes with two coasters which match the interior walls veneer and a hidden area in each shoulder for any items one may hold dear or get in trouble for holding.
Many thanks to Brian from for helping me out with the product shots. For more information on the design and construction you can follow the links below: Part 1 , Part 2 & Part 3
You can contact Conor for further information on the creation of a personalised CyBar by emailing or by clicking on the link opposite to take the survey.